
 Профессор, доктор биологических наук

Образование и ученая степень:

  • Доктор биологических наук, тема диссертации "Экологические и физиологические аспекты адаптации к абиотическим факторам среды эндемичных байкальских и палеарктических амфипод", Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, 2010г.
  • Кандидат биологических наук, тема диссертации "Сравнительная оценка отношения байкальских  гаммарид и голарктического Gammarus lacustris Sars к абиотическим факторам", Иркутский государственный университет, 2000г.
  • Аспирантура, Иркутского государственного университета, 2000г.
  • Диплом о высшем образовании, специальность "Гидробиология", Иркутский государственный университет, 1997г.

Научные интересы:

Глобальное изменение климата и его влияние на биосистемы;

Эволюция и стресс;

Механизмы неспецифической резистентности у водных организмов;

Экология гидробионтов и механизмы адаптаций к стрессовым факторам среды;

Био(эко)технологии, технологии устойчивого развития и циркулярной экономики;

Технологии контроля стрессовых-состояний организма;

Технологии экологического мониторинга.

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Научно-преподавательский стаж - 22 года


Телефон:  (3952)24-19-27

Электронная почта: m.a.timofeyev@gmail.com

Адрес: 664003, г. Иркутск, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 5. 
Иркутский государственный университет, 
Кафедра гидробиологии и зоологии беспозвоночных.

Список публикаций: 

  1. Rzhechitskiy, Y.; Gurkov, A.; Bolbat, N.; Shchapova, E.; Nazarova, A.; Timofeyev, M.; Borvinskaya, E. Adipose Fin as a Natural “Optical Window” for Implantation of Fluorescent Sensors into Salmonid Fish. Animals 2022, 12, 3042. (IF 3.23, Q1)
  2. Shchapova E, Titov E, Gurkov A, Nazarova A, Borvinskaya E, Timofeyev M. Durability of Implanted Low-Density Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Used as a Scaffold for Microencapsulated Molecular Probes inside Small Fish. Polymers. 2022; 14(19):3956. (IF 4.96, Q1)
  3. Meyer F., T. Ozersky, K.H. Woo, K. Shchapov, A.W.E. Galloway, J.B. Schram, E.J. Rosi, D.D. Snow, M.A. Timofeyev, D.Yu. Karnaukhov, M.R. Brousil, S.E. Hampton. Effects of spatially heterogeneous lakeside development on nearshore biotic communities in a large, deep, oligotrophic lake. Limnology and oceanography, 2022 (IF 4.9, Q1)
  4. Drozdova, P.; Saranchina, A.; Madyarova, E.; Gurkov, A.; Timofeyev, M. Experimental Crossing Confirms Reproductive Isolation between Cryptic Species within Eulimnogammarus verrucosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Lake Baikal. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 10858 (IF 6.2, Q1)
  5. Madyarova, E.; Shirokova, Y.; Gurkov, A.; Drozdova, P.; Baduev, B.; Lubyaga, Y.; Shatilina, Z.; Vishnevskaya, M.; Timofeyev, M. Metabolic Tolerance to Atmospheric Pressure of Two Freshwater Endemic Amphipods Mostly Inhabiting the Deep-Water Zone of the Ancient Lake Baikal. Insects 2022, 13, 578 (IF 3.1, Q1).
  6. Popov A., Timofeyev M., Bykov A., Meglinski I. “Luminescent upconversion nanoparticles evaluating temperature-induced stress experienced by aquatic organisms owing to environmental variations”, iScience, 2022, 25, 104568 (IF 6.1, Q1).
  7. Meyer, M.F., Ozersky, T., Woo, K.H., K.Shchapov, A. Galloway, J. Schram, D. Snow, M. Timofeyev, D. Karnaukhov, M. Brousil, Hampton S.E. A unified dataset of colocated sewage pollution, periphyton, and benthic macroinvertebrate community and food web structure from Lake Baikal (Siberia). Limnology And Oceanography Letters, 2022, 7(1), стр. 62–79 (Q1, IF 7,78).
  8. Meyer, M.F., Ozersky, T., Woo, K.H., Shchapov, K., Galloway, A.W.E., Schram, J.B., Snow, D.D., Timofeyev, M.A., Karnaukhov, D.Y., Brousil, M.R. and Hampton, S.E. (2021), A unified dataset of colocated sewage pollution, periphyton, and benthic macroinvertebrate community and food web structure from Lake Baikal (Siberia). Limnology and Oceanography Letters (Q1, IF 7.8).
  9. Lipaeva, P., Vereshchagina, K., Drozdova, P., Jakob, L., Kondrateva, E., Lucassen, M., Bedulina, D., Timofeyev, M., Stadler, P., & Luckenbach, T. (2021). Different ways to play it cool: Transcriptomic analysis sheds light on different activity patterns of three amphipod species under long-term cold exposure. Molecular Ecology, 00, 1– 17. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16164 (Q1, IF 6.1).
  10. Bedulina D., Drozdova P., Gurkov A., M.Bergen, P.F. Stadler, T. Luckenbach, M. Timofeyev, S. Kalkhof. . Proteomics reveals sex-specific heat shock response of Baikal amphipod Eulimnogammarus cyaneus, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 763, 143008 (2021) (Q1, IF 7.9).
  11. Pilla, R.M., Mette, E.M., Williamson, C.E.,.. H.V. Pislegina,.. O.O. Rusanovskaya,... S.V. Shimaraeva, Eugene A. Silow,.. M.A. Timofeyev et al. Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes. Scientific Data (Nature Publishing Group)8, 200 (2021) (Q1, IF 5.5).
  12. Shchapova, E., Nazarova, A., Vasilyeva, U. Timofeyev M. et al. Cellular Immune Response of an Endemic Lake Baikal Amphipod to Indigenous Pseudomonas sp. Marine Biotechnology (2021). (Q1, IF 3.4).
  13. Kraemer, B.M., Pilla, R.M., Woolway, R.I... Silow, E.A.... Timofeyev, M.A... et al. Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat. Nature Climate Change (2021). (Q1, IF 20.893).
  14. Vereshchagina, K., Kondrateva, E., Mutin, A. Timofeyev et al. Low annual temperature likely prevents the Holarctic amphipod Gammarus lacustris from invading Lake Baikal. Sci Rep 11, 10532 (2021). (Q1, IF 3.998).
  15. Drozdova, P., Kizenko, A., Saranchina, A. et al. The diversity of opsins in Lake Baikal amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridae). BMC Ecol Evo 21, 81 (2021). (Q1, IF 3.045).
  16. Pekkoeva, S.N., Voronin, V.P., Shatilina, Z.M. Madyarova E.V., Axenov-Gribanov D.V., Shirokova Y.A., Timofeyev M.A., Nemova N.N., Murzina S.A. Lipid and fatty acid composition of scavenging amphipods Ommatogammarus spp. from different depths of lake Baikal. Limnology (2021). (Q2, IF 1.625).
  17. Borvinskaya E, Gurkov A, Shchapova E, Mutin A, Timofeyev M. 2021. Histopathological analysis of zebrafish after introduction of non-biodegradable polyelectrolyte microcapsules into the circulatory system. PeerJ 9:e11337 (Q2, IF 2.38).
  18. Brown KP, Gerber A, Bedulina D, Timofeyev MA. Human impact and ecosystemic health at Lake Baikal. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 2021; e1528. (Q1, IF 4.4).
  19. Jakob, L., Vereshchagina, K.P., Tillmann, A. et al. Thermal reaction norms of key metabolic enzymes reflect divergent physiological and behavioral adaptations of closely related amphipod species. Sci Rep 11, 4562 (2021). (Q1, IF 3.998).
  20. Pilla, R.M., Williamson, C.E., Adamovich, B.V. Timofeyev et al. Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes. Sci Rep 10, 20514, 2020 (Q1, IF 3.998).
  21. Carrea L., R. I. Woolway, C. J. Merchant, M. T. Dokulil, C. L. DeGasperi, E. de Eyto, S. Kelly, R.S. La Fuente, W. Marszelewski, L. May, A. M. Paterson, M. Pulkkanen, J. A. Rusak, O. Rusanovskaya, S. G. Schladow, M. Schmid, S. V. Shimaraeva, E. A. Silow, M. A. Timofeyev, P. Verburg, S. Watanabe, and G. A. Weyhenmeyer, 2020: Lake surface temperature [in “State of the Climate in 2019”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101 (8), Si–S429 (Q1, IF - 9.384).
  22. Drozdova P, Saranchina A, Morgunova M, Kizenko A, Lubyaga Y, Baduev B, Timofeyev M. 2020. The level of putative carotenoid-binding proteins determines the body color in two species of endemic Lake Baikal amphipods. PeerJ 8:e9387 (Q1, IF 2.35).
  23. Burskaia V., S. Naumenko, M. Schelkunov, D. Bedulina, T. Neretina, A. Kondrashov, L. Yampolsky, G.A Bazykin, Excessive parallelism in protein evolution of Lake Baikal amphipod species flock, Genome Biology and Evolution, 2020, evaa138. (IF 3.4, Q1).
  24. Ozersky T., Nakov T., Hampton S., Rodenhouse N., Shchapov K., Woo K., Wright K., Pislegina E., Izmesteva L., Silow E., Timofeyev M., Moore M. “Hot and sick? Impacts of warming and a parasite on the dominant zooplankter of Lake Baikal”, Limnology and Oceanography, 2020, V.65, 11, P. 2772-2786 (IF 4.325, Q1).
  25. Lubyaga..Timofeyev et al. "Invader amphipods Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899) inhabiting distant waterbodies demonstrate differences in tolerance and energy metabolism under elevated temperatures" Journal of Great Lakes Research (IF 2.17,Q1).
  26. Voitsekhovskaia, I.; Paulus, C.; Dahlem, C.; Rebets, Y.; Nadmid, S.; Zapp, J.; Axenov-Gribanov, D.; Rückert, C.; Timofeyev, M.; Kalinowski, J.; Kiemer, A.K.; Luzhetskyy, A. Baikalomycins A-C, New Aquayamycin-Type Angucyclines Isolated from Lake Baikal Derived Streptomyces sp. IB201691-2A. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 680. (IF 3.8).
  27. Drozdova, P., Madyarova, E., Dimova, M., Gurkov, A., Vereshchagina, K., Adelshin,R., Timofeyev, M., The diversity of microsporidian parasites infecting the Holarctic amphipod Gammaruslacustris from the Baikal region is dominated by the genus Dictyocoela, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (2020).
  28. Protasov ES, Axenov-Gribanov DV, Shatilina ZM, Timofeyev MA, Lane AL (2020) Freshwater Actinobacteria from sediments of the deep and ancient Lake Baikal (Russia) and their genetic potential as producers of secondary metabolites. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 84:1-14.
  29. Protasov, E.S., Axenov-Gribanov, D.V., Rzhechitsky, Y.A. V. A. Emshanova, Y. A. Shirokova, M. A. Timofeyev. Diversity of culturable actinobacteria associated with deepwater endemic amphipods of Lake Baikal and study of their biosynthetic capabilities. Limnology (2020).
  30. Shatilina Zh., P. Drozdova, D. Bedulina, L. Rivarola-Duarte, S. Schreiber, C. Otto, F. Jühling, S. Aulhorn, W. Busch, Y. Lubyaga, E. Kondrateva, T. Pobezhimova, L. Jakob, M. Lucassen, F. J. Sartoris, J. Hackermüller, H.O. Pörtner, P.F. Stadler, T. Luckenbach, Timofeyev M.A (2020) Transcriptome-level effects of the model organic pollutant phenanthrene and its solvent acetone in three amphipod species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 33,100630.
  31.  Axenov-Gribanov, D. V., Bedulina, D. S., Shirokova, Y. A., Emshanova, V. A., Lubyaga, Y. A., Vereshchagina, K. P., Saranchina, A. E., Pobezhimova, T. P., & Timofeyev, M. A. (2019). Diet influence on mechanisms of non-specific stress-response in Baikal endemic amphipod species during long-term laboratory exposure, Crustaceana, 92(11-12), 1349-1368.
  32. Protasov E.S. Diversity of culturable actinobacteria associated with deepwater endemic amphipods of Lake Baikal and study of their biosynthetic capabilities / E.S. Protasov, D.V. Axenov-Gribanov, Y.A. Rzhechitsky, V.A. Emshanova, Y.A. Shirokova, M.A. Timofeyev // Limnology.– 2019.– P. 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10201-019-00593-z
  33. Drozdova P., Rivarola-Duarte L., D. Bedulina, D. Axenov-Gribanov, S. Schreiber, A. Gurkov, Zh. Shatilina, K. Vereshchagina, Y. Lubyaga, E. Madyarova, C. Otto, F. Jühling, W. Busch, L. Jakob, M. Lucassen, F. J. Sartoris, J. Hackermüller, S. Hoffmann, H.O. Pörtner, T. Luckenbach, M.Timofeyev, P.F. Stadler (2019) Comparison between transcriptomic responses to short-term stress exposures of a common Holarctic and endemic Lake Baikal amphipods. BMC Genomics. Volume 20, Article number: 712 (Q1, IF 3.4)
  34. Shchapova, E.; Nazarova, A.; Gurkov, A.; Borvinskaya, E.; Rzhechitskiy, Y.; Dmitriev, I.; Meglinski, I.; Timofeyev, M. Application of PEG-Covered Non-Biodegradable Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules in the Crustacean Circulatory System on the Example of the Amphipod Eulimnogammarus verrucosus. Polymers 2019, 11, 1246.
  35. A.Gurkov, L.Rivarola-Duarte, D.Bedulina, I.Fernández Casas, H. Michael, P.Drozdova, A.Nazarova, E.Govorukhina, M.Timofeyev, P.F. Stadler, T. Luckenbach (2019) "Indication of ongoing amphipod speciation in Lake Baikal by genetic structures within endemic species". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19:138
  36. P. Drozdova, D. Bedulina, E. Madyarova, L. Rivarola-Duarte, S. Schreiber, P. F. Stadler, T. Luckenbach, M. Timofeyev (2019) "Description of strongly heat-inducible heat shock protein 70 transcripts from Baikal endemic amphipods", Scientific reports, 9, 8907
  37. Golubev A.P. Comparative assessment of the ability to self-fertilization in dominant and rare species of freshwater pulmonates / A.P. Golubev, A.S. Khomich, D.V. Axenov-Gribanov, Y.A. Lubyaga, Z.M. Shatilina, Y.A. Shirokova, O.A. Bodilovskaya / Contemporary problems of ecology. – 2019. – V. 12, № 5. – P. 482-490
  38. Kochneva A. The first transcriptomic resource for the flatworm Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea), a common parasite of holarctic freshwater fish / A. Kochneva, P. Drozdova, E. Borvinskaya // Marine genomics.– 2019. doi.: 10.1016/j.margen.2019.100702Get
  39.  Borvinskaya, E., Gurkov, A., Shchapova, E., Karnaukhov, D., Sadovoy, A., Meglinski, I., Timofeyev, M. Simple and Effective Administration and Visualization of Microparticles in the Circulatory System of Small Fishes Using Kidney Injection. J. Vis. Exp. (136), e57491, doi:10.3791/57491 (2018).
  40. Bowman, L. L., Kondrateva, E. S., Timofeyev, M. A. and Yampolsky, L. Y. (2018), Temperature gradient affects differentiation of gene expression and SNP allele frequencies in the dominant Lake Baikal zooplankton species. Molecular ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.14704
  41. Gurkov, A., Borvinskaya, E., Shchapova, E., Timofeyev, M. Restraining small decapods and amphipods for in vivo laboratory studies (2018) Crustaceana, 91 (5), pp. 517-525.
  42. Borvinskaya, E., Gurkov, A., Shchapova, E., Baduev, B., Meglinski, I., Timofeyev, M. Distribution of PEG-coated hollow polyelectrolyte microcapsules after introduction into the circulatory system and muscles of zebrafish (2018) Biology Open, 7 (1), № bio030015
  43. Shchapova, E.P., Axenov-Gribanov, D.V., Lubyaga, Y.A., Shatilina, Z.M., Vereshchagina, K.P., Madyarova, E.V., Protasov, E.S., Timofeyev, M.A. Crude oil at concentrations considered safe promotes rapid stress-response in Lake Baikal endemic amphipods (2018) Hydrobiologia, 805 (1), pp. 189-201.
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